Inherits from NSObject
Declared in LUAPNDeviceRequestFactory.h


LUAPNDeviceRequestFactory is used to build requests for APN (Apple Push Notification) device tokens. If the app is going to handle push notifications, the device token must be registered with LevelUp, and unregistered if necessary.

When an iOS app registers for push notifications, application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: will be called on the application delegate. This device token needs to be registered with the LevelUp servers so that push notification can be delivered after an order is made.

Best Practices

As described by Apple the process for registering for remote notifications is to first call registerForRemoteNotificationTypes:. Then the app delegate will receive application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:. The device token will be passed to this method. Apple recommends that an application should register every time it launches.

Any time a device token is registered, it should be sent to LevelUp via the SDK.

Class Methods


Builds a request to register an APN device with LevelUp.

+ (LUAPIRequest *)requestToRegisterAPNDeviceWithToken:(NSData *)deviceToken sandbox:(BOOL)sandbox



An APN device token to register.


Specifies whether notifications should be sent to this device in sandbox mode (which uses Apple’s sandbox notification server) or production (which uses Apple’s production notification server). Typically this would match LUAPIClient’s development mode.


Builds a request to register an APN device with LevelUp.

This method will also securely store the device token, so that it can be unregistered later.

Warning: This request requires an access token with either the LUPermissionCreateOrders or LUPermissionReadQRCode permission.

Declared In



Builds a request to unregister the current device token.

+ (LUAPIRequest *)requestToUnregisterCurrentAPNDevice


Builds a request to unregister the current device token.

This token will have been set by a previous call to requestToRegisterAPNDeviceWithToken:sandbox:.

Declared In
