Inherits from NSObject
Declared in LUIBeaconCheckInRequestFactory.h


LUIBeaconCheckInRequestFactory is used to check-in when in an app gets in range of a LevelUp iBeacon.

If your app sends push tokens to LevelUp (see also LUAPNDeviceRequestFactory), then users may receive a push notification shortly after the beacon check-in, alerting them that they can pay with your app at the nearby location. Beacon messages can be configured within the LevelUp Dashboard.

LevelUp iBeacons have the UUID 56DB0365-A001-4062-9E4D-499D3B8ECCF3. For more information on developing with iBeacons, see Apple’s documentation.

You may check-in with or without an access token. Checking in with an access token requires the LUPermissionBeaconCheckins permission. Checking in without an access token requires your app to have included the AdSupport framework, in order for LevelUp to uniquely identify check-ins from other LevelUp-powered apps on the user’s device.

Class Methods


Builds a request to check-in with the given iBeacon major and minor IDs.

+ (LUAPIRequest *)requestToCheckInIBeaconWithMajor:(NSString *)major minor:(NSString *)minor



The string value of the major value of a CLBeacon.


The string value of the minor value of a CLBeacon.

Return Value

The request, or nil if an access token is not present and your app doesn’t link to AdSupport.


Builds a request to check-in with the given iBeacon major and minor IDs.

Warning: For authenticated users, this request requires an access token with the LUPermissionBeaconCheckins permission. Non-authenticated requests require your app to include the AdSupport framework. See LUIBeaconCheckInRequestFactory for more details.

Declared In
