Interface | Description |
Interstitial.InterstitialAction |
Interface for the different types of actions.
Class | Description |
AccessToken |
Represents the LevelUp access token.
App |
A connected app.
AppConstants |
Represents the App Constants.
AppConstants.AppConstantsBuilder | |
Campaign |
Represents a campaign (which can be claimed for credit) on the server.
Campaign.CampaignBuilder | |
CarrierAccount |
Model representing a carrier account to register with carrier billing.
CarrierAccount.CarrierAccountBuilder | |
CategoriesList |
An immutable list of categories.
Category |
A location category.
CauseAffiliation |
Represents a cause affiliation the server.
Claim |
Represents a claim of a
Campaign on the server. |
CreditCard |
Model representing a Credit Card.
CreditCardsList |
Parcelable list of
CreditCard s. |
Error |
Represents an error from the server.
Feedback |
Represents a feedback for an
Order which a user can
submit. |
GiftCardValueOrder |
A gift card order.
Interstitial |
Model representing a receipt interstitial.
Interstitial.ClaimAction |
Represents an interstitial that can be claimed by the user.
Interstitial.FeedbackAction |
Represents an interstitial that requests feedback from the user.
Interstitial.ShareAction |
Represents an interstitial that can be shared by the user.
Interstitial.ShareAction.ShareActionBuilder | |
Interstitial.UrlAction |
Represents an interstitial that contains a URL that can be visited by the user.
Location |
Representing a location of a merchant (which can have multiple) on the server.
LocationCredit |
Represents a credit of a
Location on the server. |
LocationList | |
Loyalty |
Represents a Loyalty progression at a merchant for a user on the server.
MonetaryValue |
Represents some amount of money on the server.
Order |
Represents an order.
Order.OrderBuilder | |
OrdersList |
Parcelable list of
Order s. |
PaymentOptionsSummary |
Details around the options available for payment method preference.
PaymentPreference |
User's selected mode of payment preference.
PaymentToken |
Represents a user's payment token.
Permission |
A single permission of a
PermissionsRequest . |
PermissionsRequest |
A request for a set of permissions, made by an
App on behalf of the user. |
Registration |
Model representing a registration.
Scan |
Model for representing a Scan.
Ticket |
A support ticket.
User |
Represents the user.
User.UserBuilder | |
UserWithAccessToken |
Response object when creating a user.
WebLink |
Represents external link information about a
Location . |
WebLink.WebLinkBuilder | |
WebLinkList |
Enum | Description |
PermissionsRequest.State |
The state of the permissions request, according to the web service.
User.Gender |
Represents selectable options for the user's gender (an optional field).